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September 2016 newsletter


New faces

Welcome to the 2016-17 competitive season! This year’s booster club has a new group of people on the executive board, and we look forward to a fun and productive year with you all. We extend many, many thanks to the outgoing board members and their years of service.

The new 2016/2017 executive committee consists of: Elizabeth Sipple Cristina Mlejnek Michelle Bzdok Angie Swanson

Level Reps

In addition to the board, the booster club also has Level Reps. Level Reps are parent volunteers for each of the team levels (e.g., Xcel Gold, Boys 4&5, Girls level 4) who act as a liaison to the booster club. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Communicating with the other level parents to share information about meets, fundraisers, etc.

  2. Coordinate group activities, celebrations, or gifts

Below is the list of level reps. Note that there are 2 levels that do not have reps yet. Please let us know if you’d be interested in helping out in this way! Your level rep will be in touch with you as the season begins.

Xcel Bronze:

Charee Koy, Danielle Brown

Xcel Silver:


Xcel Gold:

Jennifer Lahti, Wendy Habib

Level 3 girls:

Adria Crego, Deb Doom

Level 4 girls:

Cristina Mlejnek

Level 7 - 10girls:

Angie Swanson, Melissa Malinowski

Level 4 - 5 boys:


Level 6 - 10 boys:

Shelly Franz

What is the booster club?

If you’re new to competitive gymnastics, you may have a lot of questions. Among those are probably questions about understanding the booster club – what it is, who it’s for, what it does. We would like to answer all of those questions for you! Your level rep will be sending you an email soon inviting you to a mini-session where you will see a more detailed overview of the booster club and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


The main purpose of the booster club is to provide fundraising opportunities to the gymnasts in order to offset competition-related expenses. We have several fundraisers throughout the year and strive for variety so there is something for everyone. There are also some fundraising opportunities that are always available. Below is the schedule for the fundraisers we have planned so far for the first part of the year. If you have an idea of a fundraiser let us know! We will be sending information about each fundraiser as they approach.

Yankee Candles Fundraiser

This fundraiser offers a variety of candles, flameless fragrances, and candle accessories. The dates are Sept 19 – Oct 12 and delivery of the merchandise will be early November. It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping! There are two ways to order: Hard copy order forms are available in the lobby of the gym. Or you can shop online at, use Group Number: 990054593. Note that online orders are charged tax and shipping while hard copy orders are not. Forty percent of every sale goes the Booster Club! Check it out. If you have questions, please email the booster club (

Amazon Smile

Do you shop at Amazon? If so, a percent of your purchases could go to the Booster Club. Here’s how it works: simply visit and select Midwest Gymnastics Booster Club as your charitable organization. Then, go about your regular Amazon shopping from the URL ‘’ (not just ‘’). Amazon will contribute 0.5% of the purchase price for AmazonSmile eligible products. While the percentage is small, it can quickly add up – and all without you doing anything other than your regular Amazon shopping from Spread the word to family and friends who also shop at Amazon!

Corporate match

Because the booster club is a non-profit organization, we also qualify for matching gifts. If your employer matches charitable gifts you make, consider donating to the booster club. This is an excellent way to give back to the club while doing something you’re already doing!

Gina Morri Meet

The largest fundraiser of the year for the booster club is the Gina Morri meet. This is a girls (Xcel & JO) meet that is hosted by Midwest Gymnastics in February. It takes many volunteers from the team families to make this event a success. More information will be available later this fall, but for now, please save the dates: February 18 – 20, 2017.

Look for more information, including the details about the Heggies Pizzas fundraiser, in our next monthly newsletter in mid-October.

Wishing everyone a fun, healthy, and exciting season!

The Executive Board

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