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Our primary fundraisers are the GIna Morri Invite, held each February, and the Candy Apple Invite, held each November.

* It is expected all families volunteer at both meets. The number of sessions required will be posted in the Club Portal. Working these sessions is necessary to offset additional costs associated with gymnastics.

*There are committees formed to support the various functions of the meets. Committee members do many hours before and after meets to complete necessary tasks involved with running a meet.

* Funds earned from the meet help pay for both competition fees and coaches fees.

Our secondary fundraiser is the Sponsorship Program, which begins in the late summer and continues through April.

* It is expected all gymnasts obtain at least $300 in sponsorship/fundraising dollars.  Information on sponsorship levels can be found in the Club Portal.

*Funds earned via this program help pay for both competition fees and coaches fees.

Do you have a proposal for a new fundraiser for the Booster Club bouncing around in your head, but weren’t sure about next steps?  Click here to learn more...
Shaklee (ongoing)

Shaklee products can easily replace products used every day in the home, including cleaning products, vitamins, and health and beauty aids.  Shaklee offers products that are always safe, always work, and are always green, with a 100% unconditional guarantee.


To order from Shaklee, please use this link:


Ordering from Shaklee helps support the MGBC general fund. 



Canvas Bleacher Seats For Sale
Canvas Seat

Do you remember the last meet sitting in cramped bleacher seats and your back was screaming “never again”?!!!   


Then we have a SWEET DEAL for you!   Just imagine:

-         Avoid the chiropractor

-         Watch a meet with increased comfort

-         Skip the trip to your local sporting goods store

-         Be a booster for your favorite sport


The Booster Club is selling canvas bleacher seats for $40.  (These are the high quality Stadium Company Chairs sold elsewhere for only slight less.)   Colors available: red, royal blue (shown above), black, and forest green.   


These chairs fold down easily for storage and transport to meets.  They are logo-free, so you can use them at all of your favorite sporting events, or visit Athletic Outfitters (Cty J and Lexington Avenue) and add your favorite high school insignia.


Check out the red chair on display in the Midwest Pro Shop.   Everyone who uses one of these chairs will attest that they are a back(side) saver!


If you are interested in purchasing a chair, please email 

with your color preference (red, blue, black or green). 


Your chair will be delivered to the gym for pick-up.    These also make a great gift for those hard to shop for friends and family. 

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