Papa Murphy's Pizza
Usbourne Books & More
Cards for a Cause
Green Valley Greenhouse
Fall Flowers Sale

Ordering starts August 10th. Use the attached order sheet below or pick up order sheet at the Midwest front lobby.
Orders are due Tuesday, September 9th. Place order forms and payment in the Booster Club box at the Midwest front desk.
Full payment is due with the order on September 9th. Make checks payable to Midwest Booster Club.
Delivery date will be around mid September, exact date TBD, and will be communicated via email. All orders will need to be picked up at the gym on the delivery date.
Your proceeds from each plant are approximately 35% of the total plant cost.
These funds will be applied to your Booster Club account and go toward this year’s fees.

The Booster club has teamed up with Usborne Books & More to sponsor a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser to raise money for competition related expenses. You can sell these 3 boxes of handmade, individually wrapped greeting cards - one for kids, and two 'all occasion' boxes. The boxes sell for $30 each box, and there are 30 cards per box - so the cards come out to $1 a piece. It's a fantastic deal for high quality greeting cards!
You can purchase them yourselves, or take orders from friends and family as well.
For every box you sell, the booster club gets $13 in cash toward your fees. That’s a 40% return!
Please pick up an Order Form, and preview the sample boxes in the lobby at Midwest near the Stadium Chairs by the snack bar. You can also download the order form here.
Return it with payment for the cards in an envelope to the Booster club box behind the front desk by Friday September 5th. Payment is due at the time of the order by cash or check. Cards will be delivered during the last week in September. Please be sure to include your gymnast’s name on the order form so they can get credit. Also include an email address if you’d like confirmation that we received your order.
Make checks payable to Midwest Gymnastics Booster Club.

As part of the Booster Club, you will have the opportunity to sell Papa Murphy’s pizza cards. It is a card with eight peel off stickers that are good for a variety of different pizza discounts, the biggest being a buy one, get one free coupon.
We will be selling the cards for $10, and for each card you sell, your gymnast will receive $9.50
towards program fees!
The cards are good at all Papa Murphy’s locations even though they say Arden Hills and North Oaks on the cards. This is a corporate sponsored fundraiser. We just purchase the cards from those locations.
This fundraiser will start on Friday, August 22nd and run through Friday, September 19th. Please e-mail the POC how many cards you would like, and you can pick them up at the front desk of the gym. You can return any cards you do not sell; however, please just start with a maximum of 10 cards. You can always get more to sell if you need them. Please put all unsold cards and money in the Booster Club box.
Wreath & Poinsettia
Butter Braids
Yankee Candle

Gymnast profits from sales go to this years Club fees! Estimated profit for each seller to be around 30-33% of their sales. Your profit will be included in your November Booster Club statement.
Online sales have started at Enter Group Number 990054593. When ordering online, customer will be charged tax and shipping. Make sure they include the gymnast first and last name when checking out.
Catalogue Packets are at the gym by the concessions stands. When ordering by catalogue, no tax and no shipping. The payment for shipping will come from the total profit. Return the YELLOW and WHITE copies of your forms along with payment to the front desk. Checks should be made out to MIDWEST GYMNASTICS BOOSTER CLUB.
Forms and payment are due October 30th by 8:30pm. Order forms will be mailed the following day to ensure delivery no later than the first week of December.

Just in time for the holidays, it's our Midwest Gymnastics Booster Club Fall Butter Braids Fundraiser. Each yummy, melty Butter Braid pastry sells for $12.00. I will have order forms at the gym by Wednesday evening ( 10/22/14.) You can also download your own order forms here.
Start Date: Wednesday, October 22
End Date: Wednesday, November 5 (all orders/checks due at the gym by 8 pm.)
Pick up: You can pick up the orders at the gym on Thursday, November 13, 2014 5:30 to 8:00 (items must be picked up as they are perishable and should remain frozen until ready to use.)
We make a 40% profit on these (so, $4.80/per pastry or $19.20 on the special offer package.)
Retail Price per Unit:
$12.00 each (6 flavors this year and they are Strawberry & Cream Cheese; Apple; Cinnamon: Blueberry & Cream Cheese; Raspberry; and Caramel Rolls.)
Butter Braid Pastry Special Limited Time Offer $48.00 (includes 1 Strawberry & Cream Cheese, 1 Blueberry &Cream Cheese, 1 package of caramel rolls, 1Bavarian Crème and a FREE 32 oz.package of chocolate chip cookie dough !)

It is time to kick off the annual Wreath and Poinsettia sale. We again will be selling wreaths from Evergreen Industries and Poinsettias from Green Valley Greenhouse. For those of you that are new to the Booster Club – WELCOME! This fundraiser offers you a great chance to sell a high quality product that most people would buy anyway to decorate for the holidays or as a gift; and allowing you to make a nice profit to help pay for your child’s competition fees. Order forms are at the gym and ready to be picked up.
All Order Forms and money will be due back on Wednesday Nov 5th. Please place your order forms in the booster club box located at the front desk. On your order forms be sure to include the Gymnast Name, Phone Number and E-mail Address in case I need to contact you!
The vendors have given a delivery date range of Dec 3-5. As we get closer to this date they will give me the exact date and I will notify everyone as soon as it is provided to me.